Different ways ERP can support a Process Manufacturers operations

Posted by Glynn Williams on 9 Jul


The term process manufacturing describes a method that is used frequently in bulk production, which creates goods by merging ingredients or raw materials using a set recipe or predefined procedure. Examples of industries that often use process manufacturing are the food and drinks industry, the pharmaceutical industry and chemical and plastic production.

There are many different areas in which ERP software can prove beneficial to process manufacturers. Some of the most popular include:

Process planning and formulation management 

Effective, streamlined manufacturing process planning is a crucial stage that involves the main parts of a product or formula identified, sourced and priced. The decision-makers will need to find out how best to manufacture the products and what it will cost to make them.

ERP software can help make the R&D teams task of creating new formulas easier by giving them access to past information on suppliers and materials that may have been used, in similar products previously manufactured in a few clicks.

Batch processing 

Another area where ERP software comes into its own is batch processing, making it much quicker and more efficient. It increases productivity and makes the process fully traceable and electronic. As well as increasing efficiency it decreases costs, offering manufacturers an edge over their competitors. As well as all of this, it enables stock forecasting to be more reliable and less prone to errors.

Seamless stock control

Integrated ERP software, such as WinMan, effectively monitors and tracks stock batches throughout the entire cycle. From procurement through to the warehouse and the whole manufacturing process through to shipping. Stock and inventory are all fully traceable at each stage of the cycle. This information also means that sales margins can be readily analysed as the data is inherently available.

Contracts and financial documents

Details of suppliers and documents, such as supplier contracts, terms of payment, approvals, quantity breaks and average lead times can instantly be saved and reassessed within ERP software. In addition to this, some solutions such as WinMan can integrate calendars, whereby supplier shutdown dates and times can also be easily accessed.

Overseas suppliers 

Businesses can also use ERP software to manage suppliers that are overseas as currency cost conversions and shipments management are integrated into the system, removing the need for timely conversions.

Performance reviews for suppliers 

It’s also particularly helpful when it comes to tracking suppliers, making reviewing the performance of suppliers effortless as relevant details are automatically tracked, including timeliness, full deliveries and defect rates. In addition to this, customer complaints and product returns can be recorded directly against the original purchase order. This makes quality tracking easier and to decide whether or not to continue using a particular supplier in the future.

WinMan is an all-in-one ERP system with a range of functions to help you improve efficiency and productivity. Contact us today to find out how our leading ERP software can help your business gain a competitive edge.

>> See WinMan's ERP software functions here

Topics: Manufacturing, ERP Software, Production Management, Batch Process, Business Efficiency, Process Manufacturing, Quality Control

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