Business continuity: How ERP software can assist remote working

Posted by Stephen Whitehouse on 1 Jul


Due to recent events, an increasing number of manufacturing businesses are turning to remote working to keep operations running as smoothly as possible. We will be looking at some of the way's ERP software can assist remote working.

Improved communications

ERP software that accessible can make it much easier for remote workers to carry out their day-to-day tasks. ERP technology gives remote staff access to the information they need from a single point no matter where they are, as long as there is an internet connection. ERP software also makes it easier for different manufacturing divisions to communicate between departments because of the one version of the truth, providing a boost in employee productivity and making it easier for staff to collaborate efficiently in real-time without having to wait for accurate data.

Streamlining processes 

As manufacturing businesses grow, employee responsibilities can significantly increase in complexity which can slow down business operations and lead to bottlenecks, delays in relaying accurate information and a loss of productivity. ERP systems can help to make business processes more efficient by preventing any data re-entry mistakes, navigate complex procedures and offer benefits to delivery departments and production departments while facilitating the completion of orders. Every department, including remote staff, can have access to real-time data to streamline processes.

Cost savings 

It is essential to cut costs where possible and avoid making expensive mistakes that could lead to a negative impact on your business. With a single source of accurate, real-time data, remote workers using ERP software can reduce operations and administrative costs, allowing your manufacturing company to reallocate resources to other areas. ERP software also allows manufacturers to prevent delays and descriptions while managing operations proactively, breaking up data logjams and helping remote staff make faster decisions. If you've selected the right ERP solution for your business needs along with the right vendor, you will see an impressive ROI. ERP software can help you make measured decisions when it comes to spending and saving.

Customer relationship management

It can also help businesses provide customers with high-quality and efficient service. Remote customer service and sales employees can communicate with customers more effectively and strengthen relationships with them as they can quickly access accurate customer information and history. Remote staff will also have access to tools to allow them to communicate with customers consistently.

Raise and manage purchase requests

Using integrated ERP staff can raise and manage fully automated purchase requests within the system based on demand, which is ideal for both site and project-based staff. Paper-based administration can be reduced, costs minimised, and control and traceability can be improved. Purchase request templates can also be configured to adhere with your purchasing processes and independent rules can be set up for the data captured and its related authorisations.

Having an all-in-one ERP system can provide business continuity and remote working ability to your business. If you're interested in implementing an integrated system in your manufacturing business, get in touch with our experts at WinMan ERP today.

>> See WinMan's ERP software functions here

Topics: ERP Software, Business Management Software, Business Efficiency, Productivity

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