The Wellbeing of Employees: ERP and HR module

Posted by Emma Hill on 25 Mar


Between 1914 and 1918 a million women started to enter the workforce to fill the job roles that were left by military men. Prior to this, it was a societal norm for women to play the role of stay-at-home caregivers and run the house, whilst men went out to work. However, as societal norms have evolved, so has the composition of the workforce. Today, women contribute significantly to various professional fields, bringing unique perspectives and talents to the workplace. In this context, it is crucial to examine the challenges faced by women in the workplace, especially during significant life transitions such as menopause.

In recent years there has been a growing awareness of the impact of menopause on women’s lives, prompting the re-evaluation of workplace practices and the integration of technologies such as ERP systems to better support women during this phase.

Workforce restructure

Previously, the workforce was predominantly male and the concept of women in the workplace, especially those in the menopausal age range, was uncommon. However, as societal attitudes shifted to gender equality, more women entered the workforce, creating a diverse and inclusive environment. This change highlighted the need for workplaces to adapt and cater to the unique needs of women, particularly during nature's uncontrollable life stages like menopause.

The impact of menopause

Menopause is a natural biological process that occurs in women typically between the ages of 45 and 55. The associated symptoms include: hot flushes, mood swings and fatigue. These symptoms can significantly impact a woman’s daily life and overall, well being. Juggling professional responsibilities while navigating these symptoms can be challenging and may affect job performance, job satisfaction plus, the overall quality of the individual's life.

Furthermore, it is important to address that it isn't always just the individual who it is physically affecting that this impacts. It could also be someone's sister, auntie or wife going through these changes can have an emotional effect on others too. 

Moreover, it is important to keep at the back of your mind that not all people prefer to talk and that is ok. But be mindful and aware of your individual employees. A safe place where people feel comfortable to talk about such issues, It may not necessarily be with yourself. They could confide in another colleague but being able to shut off from work and talk about it is paramount. By being able to monitor staff's overall performance this can reduce issues from escalating.

Addressing Menopause in the workplace:

Everybody should be treated and respected as an individual, everyone has different personal lives, issues including health issues. Menopause should not be an exception! Thankfully, increased awareness of the menopause has led to a more open dialogue about menopause and its impact on women in the workplace. Organisations are recognising the importance of creating supportive environments that acknowledge the unique challenges women face during this life transition.

In more recent news it has been announced that If reasonable adjustments are not made in the workplace employers could be held responsible for disability discrimination under the Equality Act 2010. 

The role of HR and ERP

Human Resources (HR) departments play a crucial role in shaping the workplace culture and supporting employees. Ensuring that employees are safe, well and happy to the best of their ability. Utilising the HR module within an ERP system means that HR professionals can implement proactive measures to support women going through the menopause:

  1. Reminders to check in: The HR module can be configured to send reminders to HR professionals to regularly check on women experiencing menopause. This simple but effective practice demonstrates empathy and ensures that women feel supported in the workplace.
  2. Educational Talks and Resources: HR can organise informative talks and provide resources related to menopause, applying a better understanding amongst colleagues. An ERP system can streamline communication, making it easier to share educational materials and organise relevant events.
  3. Flexible Work Arrangements: Leveraging the Cloud capabilities of ERP systems, organisations can implement flexible work arrangements, allowing women to work from home on days when menopausal symptoms are particularly challenging. This flexibility empowers women to manage their workload while prioritising their health.Be Flexible sign with clouds and sky background-1
  4. Providing comfort: HR Can use ERP systems to track and fulfil specific needs, such as providing personal fans for temperature control. These small accommodations can make a significant difference in the daily lives of women experiencing menopause.
  5. Open Channels for Communication: ERP systems offer a centralised platform for communication. HR can create channels for open dialogue, providing women with the opportunity to express their needs, seek advice or simply engage in supportive conversations with their peers.
  6. Enhanced work efficiency and peace of mind: Underlying concerns regarding memory lapses and potential oversights can be alleviated with an ERP system, as an all-in-one solution eliminates the need for redundant data entries, providing reassurance for those who constantly feel they need to check their work for errors, particularly on challenging days. This streamlined approach reduces stress enabling the individuals to redirect their energy towards other productive tasks/ projects.

Moreover, within the HR hub, it is possible to generate reports that display information about absenteeism, lateness and performance trends. Additionally, the Bradford Score can be employed to keep track of these aspects. By analysing the generated reports you can make an informed decision on how to assist the individual, is there anything the business can do to help? Consider providing regular 121s with the line manager for a catch-up. Alternatively, if the person does not feel comfortable discussing issues with their line manager, then the option to talk with a mental health first aider is available, for empathy and additional support.

Although this blog typically focuses on a particular women’s health issue the concept applies to all employees whether they are personal issues with children or their parents or spouse, or whether there are health issues. Within an ERP system is a HR module which can help you manage your communications/tasks with employees. Allowing flexibility as each employee is an individual and a typical 9 am – 5 pm job doesn’t suit all. Ensuring that everybody is satisfied can be tricky but crucial to ensuring an efficient productive running of your business.

In conclusion

As we reflect upon the historical context of women in the workplace, we witness the positive changes in awareness and acceptance, it is clear that organisations must continue adapting to better support women during life transitions like menopause. By leveraging the capabilities of an ERP system and utilising HR modules effectively, workplaces can create a more inclusive, supportive environment, ensuring that women can thrive professionally while navigating the unique challenges that menopause may bring. Through ongoing education, proactive support and the integration of technology we can provide workplaces that prioritise the well-being of all employees, regardless of age or gender.


If you would like to find out more about the HR module reach out for more information

Human Resources

Topics: ERP Software, CRM, Human Resources

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