How ERP enables digital transformation in the manufacturing industry

Posted by Jonathan Davies on 11 Aug


Digital transformation, is more than just a mobile application or a site on the internet, is a new way of thinking and working, primarily on more innovative and efficient ways to remain relevant.

Enterprise Resource Planning (ERP) can be a digital transformation tool. It is a comprehensive system made up of different interconnected enterprise resource planning applications with a single database. Every application focuses on a particular core process required to run a company, including but not limited to manufacturing. ERP systems, although used to run the day to day activities, are complex systems integrated with the latest technologies such as process automation and predictive analytics.

ERP enables digital transformation in the manufacturing industry in the following ways.

Competitive edge

Deployment of an ERP system provides an opportunity for manufacturers to analyse and predict their customers' needs more efficiently, helping them realise new opportunities by adopting better strategies to improve manufacturing processes.

By studying its history and the present using a single version of the truth, improved organisation visibility can solve critical problems or avoid them entirely.

Decision making 

A centralised database and a single source of truth help information flow freely within a company, and ERP systems provide precisely this data platform. Maximisation of the company's data can is achievable with a comprehensive data governance program; this information tends to offer an insightful understanding of the industry. Using these insights provided, enterprises can make practical real-time recommendations suited to their processing needs.

Use ERP as a stepping stone to the future

A manufacturing industry with a well-established ERP system can adapt more quickly to changes in the market, as they promote automation, which boosts production levels. Integration with websites and e-commerce platforms also improves sales and exposure of the products to the masses.

ERP systems deployed at a company's physical location remains the most popular option among businesses. However, cloud-based ERP systems are catching on quickly, and they both have their pros and cons.


They can improve customer experience, which is an ideal outcome of digital transformation; it is achievable by streamlining internal processes to deliver on customer needs. By having an integrated CRM, manufacturers can consolidate customer data, enhance inventory management, pricing, and supply chain operations. Unifying customer data for analysis to better understand clients' needs helps a manufacturing industry tailor their processes to meet the ever-changing markets, trends, and budgets.

Reduces cost

Although it can be expensive and time-consuming to install, a robust ERP system has the potential to transform a manufacturers operation by reducing overall operational cost with improved efficiency and productivity. The automation of a labour-intensive and time-consuming manufacturing process can produce more and reinvent spared resources to other better-suited sectors.

An ERP system is a crucial step towards digital transformation in the manufacturing industry. Automating processes, better insights, and reduced overall cost all give your business an edge while still fortifying its future. Customers are satisfied, meaning more sales and boosting profits.

WinMan ERP Software is a comprehensive solution for manufacturers and provides the tools and functionality required for smooth production. Get in touch today to learn more.

>> Learn more about WinMan ERP Software

Topics: Manufacturing, ERP Software, Business Management Software, Lean Manufacturing, Business Efficiency, Productivity

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