7 Advantages of ERP Systems for Food Manufacturers

Posted by Glynn Williams on 7 Feb


ERP systems have many benefits but, it can be particularly advantageous for food manufacturers due to its traceability and production management features.

Here are some of the top benefits: -

1. Efficiency saves money

Investing in technology to streamline your operations will help reduce expenses and inefficiencies. Employees will be able to focus their efforts on tasks that require the application of their intellect, instead of completing manual tasks such as updating data for every area of your business. Consolidating systems will remove the need for multiple systems and Managers can access a range of dashboard-style reports to swiftly see information such as, whether the production line is running smoothly and the outstanding sales orders against inventory levels in one place.

2. Regulatory compliance

ERP systems significantly aid batch traceability. From the receipt of raw materials to the dispatch of finished goods, the whole product journey can be traced and logged for compliance and food safety requirements. ERP can assist with barcoding, labelling, auditing and inventory management for full traceability, which is a priority for food manufacturers.

3. Data management

Integrated ERP systems provide a central source for data, as it gathers together procurement, production, warehousing, sales, quality control, etc. For example, stock numbers are updated in real-time as materials are used up in production, buyers will then be able to use this data and cross-reference it with outstanding orders and assess whether more stock is needed. Improved access to data means food manufacturers can tightly monitor perishable inventory to avoid excessive stock levels or waste.

4. Competitive advantage

Managed processes and automated where possible, optimise production, maintain quality and safety, minimise waste and improve efficiencies are all things food manufacturers can use ERP to do. In turn, all these improvements will lead to increased competitiveness in the ever-challenging market.

5. KPIs and decision making

Cycle costs, production output, audit pass rates, inventory levels and sales pipeline, are some of the KPIs, that can display within the systems in an understandable format. Managers can use this business intelligence from different areas of the business to efficiently decide what needs improving, develop strategies or what research and development to invest in, to continuously grow your food manufacturing business.

6. Customer service

Improving and maintaining high-quality customer experience is important because customers keep businesses alive. If your offering includes high-quality products together with good customer service, they are more likely to return. ERP with integrated CRM will empower the sales process and help employees manage customer relationships. All sales activities, communications, queries can be logged and referred to when required, which translates to a greater number of happy customers in the long run.

7. Consistency

Consistency is at the heart of quality management. Quality is of the utmost importance in the pursuit of complete customer satisfaction. Managing your inventory at all stages of manufacture, from one platform, produces an unmatched consistency that your customers will appreciate. If a consumer cannot rely on your produce to always maintain the same high quality they experienced in the past, they will rapidly seek a different food manufacturer. Implementation of an ERP system is critical for an enterprise as there are a variety of potential errors that can occur in your warehouses or during transportation and storage, to give a few examples. Get lean and boost your fault-finding capacity by introducing a quality ERP system.

WinMan ERP is a comprehensive all-in-one system, delivering every advantage discussed in this article. Contact us for more information about how WinMan ERP technology can help improve your food manufacturing power.

 >> Find out more about our Food and Drinks ERP Solution

Topics: ERP Software, Batch Process, Process Manufacturing, Food Manufacturing

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