Remote working can be beneficial for employers and employees, but for extended periods it can also harm productivity. If you are currently working from home and are struggling to stay motivated and positive, the below tips may help.
'Commute' to work
Many people struggle to feel motivated first thing in the morning when working from home as they find it hard to switch between home and work life. Try walking around your garden or around your block before work to give yourself a quick commute. Giving yourself a commute to work can help separate your home and work life, plus it helps to refresh your mind first thing in the morning.
Set regular working hours, and stick to them
There is the temptation when working from home to continue working, sometimes well into the evening is ever-present. Working irregular or overly long hours can potentially cause you to become worn out and your wellbeing may begin to suffer. To avoid this, create regular working hours and stick to it.
Stay connected
It is easy to begin to feel isolated and lonely during remote working for long periods. However, other remote workers are probably feeling the same too. Schedule a daily 10-minute 'coffee break' video call with other employees from your work and add personal friendly messages at the end of any emails you send.
Get dressed every day
Although it is tempting to remain in your pyjamas all day when you are at home, it should be avoided. When you wake up in the morning get ready for the workday as you normally would. This will ensure you feel awake and prepared for the day ahead. It will also ensure that you look and feel prepared should a last-minute video call be scheduled with another employee or a client.
Create a dedicated workspace
Find an area in your home, such as your office or kitchen table, and make it your workspace. Try to pick a location that has as much natural light as possible and make the area as pleasant as possible, e.g. move plants and candles to your workspace. Do not work from your bed as this can disrupt your sleeping pattern and make it difficult for you to relax in an evening.
Limit distractions
If you have housemates or live with your family, you must make it clear when your working hours are and that you do not wish to be disturbed during this time. You may wish to invest in noise-cancelling headphones so you can block out any unavoidable background noise, e.g. your children watching TV or noise from outside. Playing classical music or white noise, for example, through your headphones may help you to concentrate if you are working in a busy household.
Prepare your meals in advance
One of the biggest challenges of working from home is the temptation to over-eat or snack unhealthily. Constantly eating will not only distract you from your work, but it will also make you feel sluggish and unproductive. Prepare your lunch the night before and limit yourself to eating at certain times of the day, e.g. a mid-morning snack and an afternoon pick-me-up. This will ensure you keep your energy levels high without overdoing it.